Sunday 12 April 2015

Back to Safiental for two really warm days of ski touring...never leave a job unfinished...err....

In January we already went to Safiental and at that time we managed to climb only one summit, Piz Tomül. Now we decide to go back there again, and finish the work! Spring is probably not the best season for this but and in fact Turrahus is only opened for just this last weekend when we are going...then they go on holiday.

Anyway, we start Saturday from Zurich and get to the bottom of the valley around 9:30 in the morning...which for spring time is probably already late. Conditions at the start of the route seem to be more appropriate for enjoying a cold beer on the terrace of the hut, or at least to ski up the hill with swimming shorts...but nevertheless we go. Despite the fact that the temperature is really warm the weather is not that nice, a bit hazy and light clouds cover the sky...and the sun...which is surely a bad thing. First reason being that you think (or at least we thought) that the sun would not be much of a problem...very stupid decision not to put the sun cream on. Anyway, we came here for ski touring and not for complaining so off we go aiming to the Taellihorn summit. There is no need to make new tracks and finding the route is quite easy since we can see the summit from almost the starting point. The snow also seems quite good and we expect a rather nice descent on sulz. Well the hut warden told us that there would even be powder on the top...but I think he was just trying to sell "his resort" the best he could.

Shortly after the beginnig...still lots of snow...

And it starts to get quite hot

It's warm but getting close to the summit it becomes a little bit chilly because of the wind and even more clouds seem to come in. There is absolutely no technical difficulty in reaching the summit, maybe only the very last section to the top where we have to ski on the ridge from the Rinderpinglueckli to the Taellihorn summit. 

On the ridge

Safiental is a really good touring destination, but probably in cold winter is better

Last meters to the top

After the usual bite and drink we prepare for descent. The first few hundred meters are absolutely wonderful. Really perfect sulz and amazing fun to ski down. But being the descent long enough we have to expect the snow to get heavier towards the bottom of the valley....and in fact so it does. It become heavier and heavier...and even heavier if the point that is almost feels like skiing in water. And it gets hot at the same time, so not exactly a pleasure to ski anymore. But the thought of an ice cold beer sitting on the terrace of the hut is enough of a motivation to keep on skiing down as fast as we can.

Once down at the hut we enjoy the afternoon sun sitting outside and having lots to drink (not only alcoholic stuff) and to eat. Then we even fall asleep on the benches right in the hottest hour of the afternoon! And having forgotten the sun cream means that my face would be roasted!

Another friend joins us in the evening and it is yet another wonderful night at Turrahus. Lots of fondue, lots of beer and hot chocolate with rum. Next day we are not going too high so drinking a few beers should not be a major problem.

For the next day the idea is to finally try and climb what we did not manage in January, the Baerenhorn. This time however is a wonderful day without clouds and wind and finding the route is surely a lot easier. Again the route follows the valley along the Rabiusa river and around the point 2034 it goes up on the left (facing the summit). Basically is the same route of the summer wanderweg.

Yes...this time we had a snowboarder with us!!! But she did quite well indeed!

Nice sunshine!

Getting close to P2803

There are so many summits and so many things to try...just not enough time!

Once above the steep bit the route keeps following a rather flat region that on the map is named Lengegga and from there up to point 2803 and then 2811 on the ridge before the summit. We wrongly thought that this was the actual summit, but we were clearly wrong! And so were a group of other skiers before and after us. Once on this sort of pre-summit we think about going back down and around and then up to the main summit, but's getting warm already and the snow is going to be super heavy again if we wait too long. So I start already preparing for the descent because I know that the snow is going to be almost perfect if we get down in the next 30 minutes or so...then it might start getting too late. I'm not really that much of an expert in snow conditions but in this case is quite easy because I have the experience from yesterday, and today is even warmer. The other two seem to be willing to enjoy the views and the nice sunshine a bit more. Which is surely a good idea, but I try to convince them that if they want to enjoy good snow we should start skiing down now.

Getting to the top

And finally on the top...we OK, not the Baerenhorn top, but for today that's enough!

Eventually I manage to convince them and off we go, enjoying a realle perfect sulz or hard snow almost "piste-like". Really lots and lots of fun! Only until we get to the bottom of the valley close to the river. Here is too flat and the snow already quite wet to keep on skiing. So we rather decide to put the skins back on and get back to the hut like that.

Even this time we did not really manage it to the real summit of Baerenhorn, but at least we got a lot closer than last time, and for next time we surely know the route very well! Nevertheless, a very enjoyable descent in an even better company!

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