Sunday 10 February 2013

Cristallina ski tour…only to the hut unfortunately

This post comes a bit late compared to the trip date...but better late than never :). For two times I (and two friends) have attempted to climb Piz Cristallina in Ticino. First time was in summer 2 years ago and last time was last winter, with snowshoes. Both times we failed, even though in summer we at least managed to reach the ridge...but in a difficult spot. This year we wanted to try again, but on the skis. We set off in the morning from Baden in 4 people, two skiers and two snowboarders. The snowboarders have a splitboard...but none of them has ever used it before. No worries, I have a heavy down jacket to make sure I don't freeze to death while waiting for them to fiddling with the board(s). Around 9:30 we get to Ossasco, which is the typical starting point for trips to Cristallina. Weather is not that good as it is a bit cloudy and slightly snowing...but still good enough to ski up. I'm surprised to see the amount of people in the car park. It will be a busy hut tonight! Skins on, ARTVA checked, there we go! First part of the ascent simply follows the foot path through the forest. It's very nice to ski this up, but the thought of having to ski this down does not appeal to me at all. Rather narrow, very narrow and lots of trees around. OK, I love nature, but I don't want to hug a tree while skiing down :). The splitboarder show some difficulties where it becomes a bit steeper, but that is also because one of them has never used climbing skins, and the other has not used them for many years. Slowly slowly we make our way through the woods. When the forest starts to give way to the valley (Val Torta) and the angle eases a bit, it's possible to go out of the track and make a new one. Not for anything, but for the pleasure of listening to the sound of snow as it compresses under my skis. On the way up, after the forest, we basically follow the valley on the left hand side (looking from the top of the valley). Path is never difficult and never too steep. Only, sometimes the traverses might be slightly steeper, and there the splitboards are suffering...Going up we take the chance to practice some kickturns, since we are going to need them the day after.

 Finally the ski starts to clear a little bit and we get the sun to warm up our faces. Problem is that also the wind is picking up, and on average it gets slightly colder. When the valley turns right the paths flattens out a lot, and it's not only gentle up and downs. This does not look that good to be skied down tomorrow, especially for snowboards...but there is no problem as we will not come down this way. Last steep bit to the hut takes longer than expected. One of the splitboarders has not hiked a single meter for more than 1 he feels all the effort. But despite his lack of training he does really well.

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 Finally, we get to the hut! Now I probably am a bit mean, but I "force" all my friends to go out again and do some avalanche rescue practice. It was cold, very cold, and the hands got frozen rather quickly. But it does not matter. Two of them never did this before and they must have at least an idea of that. After this we can finally get in the hut, warm up, eat and drink something. The hut is surprisingly full for being winter...but tomorrow should be a very good day according to the forecast, so it's understandable. At the table with us is sitting a group of Italians, so there is a lot of talking going on :). It's always good to find people from your own country when abroad. During the evening I discuss with some other people and they tell me that looking at the face of Cristallina it does not look very good. There is not enough snow for skiing (both up and down). Also, some tried the summit in the morning but failed because of too few snow...despite some still made it to the top. However, since none of us, except me, had crampons and ice axe (and the other skier did not even have the ski crampons!!) we decide not to attempt the summit on the day after. So this will be the third time I come to the Cristallina hut to attempt the Cristallina peak...and not make it. Well, nevermind, there will be a fourth time.

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Morning after there a much better day waiting for us. Rather cold in the morning, but the totally clear sky makes you forget everything and just push to go out and ski. Even if we don't try the summit at least we try a different way skiing down to the valley. Following the ski route 13b and 521d we ski up to Passo della Cima di Lago. From there a nice powdery descent on the Ghiacciaio di Valleggia. Waiting for the split boarders is not that nice because in the glacier is still in the shadow...and that's not so warm :). Put the skins back on and skin up to the following pass. Here I meet another ski tourer that seems to be a pro. He has ridiculously light skis and binding and it's quite funny to see how he skis down. For sure he can't get much stability out of his skis, but on the other hand he hiked up all that we are going to ski down in an astonishingly short time! Finally take the skins off for the last time and then let the skis go until the valley! The descent is quite nice, snow is already tracked out but the conditions are still good enough. Another nice ski touring trip. Again no summit...but an alpinist should know: summit is an option, going back is a must!

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